Peripheral equipment in front of the folder gluer:

Diana FeederStackturnerInlet Spotter

Abbildung Diana System X

Simple feeding

By maintaining a constant filling height in the folder gluer's feeder, the MK Diana Feeder ensures trouble-free production that is gentle on the cartons.

The large carton hopper reduces the need for operator action. In combination with the optionally available MK Diana Stackturner, the carton blanks do not even have to be turned by hand.

Data sheet
checked High production reliability through constant conditions in the gluer's feeder
checked Higher productivity at same number of employees reduces cost per piece
checked Ideal ergonomic operating conditions for the operator

Location Germany

As a research and development location of folder gluers and peripheral machines, we have a large test center with our own folder gluers and robots.

Our focus in Germany

  • Research & development
  • Folder gluers
  • Handling robots
  • Product management
  • Sales & service support